A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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     _____ _ _____        _____     _              _____ _                      
    |  __ (_)  __ \      |  __ \   | |            |  __ (_)                     
    | |__) || |  | |_ __ | |  | |  | |__  _   _   | |__) |  ___ _ __ ___ ___    
    |  ___/ | |  | | '_ \| |  | |  | '_ \| | | |  |  ___/ |/ _ \ '__/ __/ _ \   
    | |   | | |__| | | | | |__| |  | |_) | |_| |  | |   | |  __/ | | (_|  __/   
    |_|   |_|_____/|_| |_|_____/   |_.__/ \__, |  |_|   |_|\___|_|  \___\___|   
                                           __/ |                                



This app is to help D&D DMs track characters in engagements.  It sorts them by initiative automatically in the left hand side panel list, tracks key stats for you, and has more information in the right panel for the currently selected character.  You can also keep notes for each character in the large Notes box.  All the character data, including Name, AC, current HP, max HP, Initiative, Class, and Notes are saved to your local disk automatically when the app is closed in the app's folder.

If you have feature suggestions, please send them to me at:

How to use:

Click in text fields (Name, AC, HP, Initiative, Class, or Notes box) in the right hand side panel to edit character data.  The data will be saved automatically.  The "New Character" button (or Ctrl + "+") will create a new character.  The "Delete Current" button (or Delete key) will delete the currently selected character.

Navigate between characters with the "<<" (previous) and ">>" (next) buttons, using the up, down, left, and right arrow keys, or by clicking on the characters directly in the left hand side panel.


     _    _ _____  _____       _______ ______  _____    
    | |  | |  __ \|  __ \   /\|__   __|  ____|/ ____|   
    | |  | | |__) | |  | | /  \  | |  | |__  | (___     
    | |  | |  ___/| |  | |/ /\ \ | |  |  __|  \___ \    
    | |__| | |    | |__| / ____ \| |  | |____ ____) |   
     \____/|_|    |_____/_/    \_\_|  |______|_____/


v0.2 Release:

- Dark mode and Light mode available (separate builds for now)
- Ease of use increased (removed save button, auto saves)
- Keyboard shortcuts added

v0.1 Release:

- Saves all data on window close, loads on window startup
- Auto sorts characters by initiative
- up/down arrow keys to navigate

Copyright Pierce Kester 2025, all rights reserved.

Credit to https://patorjk.com/software/taag/ for cool ASCII art letters.

Updated 10 days ago
Published 12 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Tagsdnd, Dungeons & Dragons, useful


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

PiDnD-v0.2.zip 119 MB
PiDnD-v0.1.zip 60 MB